Har du kledd opp avataren din?

Det er mid-season sales over det ganske hele i disse dager og vi skifter «ham» fra vinterklær til vår klær. For den riktige modige og våryre blant oss er det bare å ta på seg litt farger, og møte våren og sola med de hotteste solbrillene. Enten de er fysiske eller virituelle. For det er […]
Grensehandel post pandemi 2022

Med stengt grense mot nabolandet, opplevde norske dagligvarebutikker en boost i omsetningen gjennom hele perioden
En trend på sosiale medier er på vei inn i detaljhandelen.

Live streaming har blitt en stadig mer populær funksjon på sosiale medieplattformer som Instagram, Snapchat og Facebook og Live stream, som et medium for shopping, er mer sosialt og interaktivt.Live video shopping er en ny og til spennende måte for merkevarer å etablere og forsterke sine relasjoner med kunder. Det er en helt ny måte […]
Shopping for Furniture, Fiction & Fashion

Supersentralt på Oxford street 214, lå engang Topshop, et yndet reisemål for mange nordmenn i mange år. Selv husker jeg fra mine pendler år i London, hvor jeg ofte reiste tilbake til Oslo søndag kveld med week-end shoppere som stappet hatthyllene fulle av Topshop og Warehouse poser. Dette var konsepter vi ikke fant i Norge […]
Watch out!

The other day I had a chat with a friend about what to give to his wife for her 40 birthday. Among several items, I mentioned that watches are a long lasting wearable, looking at my own timeless watch I received for my anniversary. He replied that these type of watches would probably not last much longer as new technology enters the market and apple watches would be more in line with time.
How to encourage shoppers to dwell by kiosks and carts

As shopping becomes a time consuming activity, the shoppers behave differently during the year, the season, the week or the day. It depends really on the situation and therefor the shopping centres should stay abreast of trends affecting the dwell time.
Choose chicken or go vegan!

What’s for dinner? The question is quite common in our home, as I suppose it’s in yours, as the dinner is where we gather after a day or several days apart.
When it seems that we have everything, we really don’t…

Retailers push the survey button to stay ahead of customer needs. The customers will not always tell us exactly what they want, mainly because they do not know. Although based upon trends that occurs in complementary categories some are able to develop related products providing customer with solutions to their exact need.
Leading a successful retail business

Leading a successful retail business requires a detailed focus. The everyday situations that occurs between the customer and the employees affects their experience in store.
Make your own extraordinary experience!

As a real estate developer and specialist in shopping centres for more than 20 years, my retail radar is always on when it comes to new projects.