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Nyheter och caser

Vad vi fokuserar på i

Remix Consulting

Kärnan i Remix Consultings arbete är ompositionering, omstrukturering eller nylansering av ett detaljhandelskoncept eller en kommersiell mötesplats. Precis som en hit från 80-talet når en ny publik med en remix kan vi vidareutveckla en fastighet eller ett koncept för en ny era och en ny användargrupp. Det beror bara på takten och rytmen vi väljer för den nödvändiga förändringen. Här kan du läsa mer om vad vi gör och fokuserar på.

Dyrtid och utmaningar som hämmar festligheterna

Det kommer en tid efter dyrtiden. Det handlar om att stå emot i plats- och utvecklingsprojekt nu och se fram emot framtida invigningar med förhoppningsvis hållbara och stabila koncept.

Kinderegget OMA

På Kolbotn torg i Nordre Follo kommune hittar vi återbruksbutiken OMA. OMA är en kommunal återbruksbutik och arbetsutbildningscenter

Shoppingturism i gränslandet

Semestertid är shoppingtid och våra shoppingvanor analyseras av experter på grund av stora förändringar i ekonomin

Vilde Holte Lerbak

Ny medarbeider i Remix Consulting

Vilde Holte Lerbak er ansatt som Prosjektleder i Remix Consulting fra mai måned. Hun kommer fra stillingen som senterleder på Amfi Ullevaal i Oslo og

Kronen på kraftverket

Battersea Powerstation, et landemerke for Londons innbyggere fra 1939, men ble verdenskjent som coverbilde på Pink Floyd sitt album Animal fra 1977. Da tok også energiproduksjonen

Langt fra harry!

Grensehandelen mellom Norge og Sverige skaper nye overskrifter. Interessen for det som for mange har vært beskrevet som harry-handel viser seg å være langt fra

Kundereise på første klasse

Hvordan berike tiden med innhold som er relevant for kundeopplevelsen og på den måten skape en kundereise på første klasse?

Gränshandlen - Strömstad Shoppingcenter

Gränshandlen går mot rekord sommar

På väg in i tredje kvartal kan man konstatera att gränshandlaren är tillbaka i Strömstad, norra Bohuslän. 13 minuters bilväg från gränsen till Norge ligger

Etablera din verksamhet på gränsen

För dig som vill etablera dig vid gränsen har Strömstad Shoppingcenter och Långflon Shoppingcenter ur ett investeringsperspektiv alla de förutsättningar som krävs för en lyckad

Har du kledd opp avataren din?

Det er mid-season sales over det ganske hele i disse dager og vi skifter «ham» fra vinterklær til vår klær. For den riktige modige og

Watch out!

The other day I had a chat with a friend about what to give to his wife for her 40 birthday. Among several items, I mentioned that watches are a long lasting wearable, looking at my own timeless watch I received for my anniversary. He replied that these type of watches would probably not last much longer as new technology enters the market and apple watches would be more in line with time.

How to encourage shoppers to dwell by kiosks and carts

As shopping becomes a time consuming activity, the shoppers behave differently during the year, the season, the week or the day. It depends really on the situation and therefor the shopping centres should stay abreast of trends affecting the dwell time.

Choose chicken or go vegan!

What’s for dinner? The question is quite common in our home, as I suppose it’s in yours, as the dinner is where we gather after a day or several days apart.

When it seems that we have everything, we really don’t…

Retailers push the survey button to stay ahead of customer needs. The customers will not always tell us exactly what they want, mainly because they do not know. Although based upon trends that occurs in complementary categories some are able to develop related products providing customer with solutions to their exact need.

Leading a successful retail business

Leading a successful retail business requires a detailed focus. The everyday situations that occurs between the customer and the employees affects their experience in store.

The shopping life of a frequent traveler

Traveling frequently in the Nordics, I spend quite some time at Airports. I have always liked to travel; it gives you the feeling of being on a discovery trip. Although the increasing stress going through the securities, you rather feel the urge to explore further coming to the airport hall of departures.

Someone is in a rush?

GDPR has been a hot topic this spring and for good reasons. It seems that companies big and small are stepping up their attention related to the new regulation and want mine as well.

Connected curiosity

The annual conference, South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin Texas is approaching, and my schedule is fully booked. I look forward to discover speakers from all around the world, who will be focusing on the future of tech within tremendous aspects of businesses during the week.

From inspiration to action

SXSW, the annual conference is all about today’s inspiration becoming tomorrow’s innovation. The current disruptive environment challenges the retail industry the way we know it, and expert panels and speakers give new directions in how to move customers from inspiration to action.

A physical change in the online world

This week two announcements in the online world have made headlines. Both NET-A-PORTER founder Natalie Massenet has left the company she once started and so has ASOS boss Nick Robertson. He will remain in the group but Natalie has left the building.