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Choose chicken or go vegan!

What’s for dinner? The question is quite common in our home, as I suppose it's in yours, as the dinner is where we gather after a day or several days apart.

Choose chicken or go vegan!

What’s for dinner? The question is quite common in our home, as I suppose it’s in yours, as the dinner is where we gather after a day or several days apart.

Living and working in the Nordics and in the UK, I discover constantly new dishes and tastes. Although I’m not alone, because we are all traveling more abroad than ever for vacations and hence increase our repertoire for possible dinner menus.

With increased dinner menus comes also an offer of alternative food focusing on allergies and intolerance, but new products that emphasis on giving us more energy and a healthier self-esteem. These products have found their natural position in restaurants and fast food delis offered for those of us that are constantly on the go.

One day passing a Leon or to be precise Leon&Clean restaurant close to the Victoria station, I stumbled over the offer of a super clean quinoa salad with peas and pomegranate seeds. I thought this was quite tempting as the Big Mac starts to swell even before reaching my mouth. I could choose to add chicken or go vegan. I did not chicken out…I went for a vegan dish and I was delighted to experience how easy it was to eat healthy.

As for obesity, the healthy food choices within all price categories are some of the hot topics on health conferences throughout the world like EAT held in Stockholm. I fully support this attention as younger generations have an awareness of what and how they eat, and they are questioning our old habits of a hot dog on the run. I welcome these new deli and fast food options and I think that they will re transform a a business that for too long has offered what belongs to the past.


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Key take-aways fra NCSC Awards og kommersiell stedsutvikling

Vi i Remix Consulting forvalter den norske grenen av NCSC, og har fulgt juryen og finalistene gjennom våren og frem til prisutdelingen. Under får du våre betraktninger på god kommersiell stedsutvikling, hvilke grep som gir deg både kunder og leietakers oppmerksomhet og noen spådommer om fremtidens utvikling.

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