Halvparten av antall handleturer, men like mye i handlekurven!

Det er stor interesse rundt utviklingen av grensehandelen nå som grensen på ny er helt åpen uten restriksjoner, og tallene er på vei opp iflg. SSB.
Har du kledd opp avataren din?

Det er mid-season sales over det ganske hele i disse dager og vi skifter «ham» fra vinterklær til vår klær.
Grensehandel post pandemi 2022

Diskusjonen om konsekvenser av grensehandelen har pågått for fullt under hele pandemien. Med stengt grense mot nabolandet, opplevede norske dagligvarebutikker en boost i omsetningen gjennom hele perioden og Vinmonopolet slo alle tidligere salgsrekorder.
En trend på sosiale medier er på vei inn i detaljhandelen.

Live streaming har blitt en stadig mer populær funksjon på sosiale medieplattformer som Instagram, Snapchat og Facebook
Shopping for Furniture, Fiction & Fashion

Supersentralt på Oxford street 214, lå engang Topshop, et yndet reisemål for mange nordmenn i mange år.
Watch out!

The other day I had a chat with a friend about what to give to his wife for her 40 birthday. Among several items, I mentioned that watches are a long lasting wearable, looking at my own timeless watch I received for my anniversary.
How to encourage shoppers to dwell by kiosks and carts

As shopping becomes a time consuming activity, the shoppers behave differently during the year, the season, the week or the day. It depends really on the situation and therefor the shopping centres should stay abreast of trends affecting the dwell time.
Choose chicken or go vegan!

What’s for dinner? The question is quite common in our home, as I suppose it’s in yours, as the dinner is where we gather after a day or several days apart.
When it seems that we have everything, we really don’t…

Retailers push the survey button to stay ahead of customer needs. The customers will not always tell us exactly what they want, mainly because they do not know.
Leading a successful retail business

Leading a successful retail business requires a detailed focus. The everyday situations that occurs between the customer and the employees affects their experience in store. The more the people working in the store are able to live the brand, engage with the products and it’s complementing services, the more they will convince a doubting customer hunting his or hers “treasure”.